Community Rules & Regulations
Be respectful to your neighbors
The following abridged Rules and Regulations and General Information are designed to serve as a community standard for the health, comfort, safety and welfare of the Unit Owners. Please refer to The Strand of Sarasota Condominium Association’s Inc. original documents for full details.
No dock slip may be utilized by any person or entity other than the assigned Unit Owner or its occupants or guests.
Dock Slip Assignees shall register all vessels with the Association.
Proof of current registration and insurance shall be required.
Only pleasure boats under their own power and sailboats, in good condition, shall be admitted to dock slips at The Strand.
All boats shall use proper tie-up procedures to protect the Boat Dock and other boats. This includes the use of adequate size and number of dock lines and the use of fenders.
Repairs of any damage to the Boat Dock caused by a Dock Slip Assignee's boat, or by any boat located in the dock slip with the Dock Slip Assignee’s consent, shall be paid by the Dock Slip Assignee.
The Rules of the Road and the Navigation Laws of the United States apply to all vessels in or approaching the dock slips located at The Strand.
The Boat Dock shall be kept free of debris, equipment and hazards.
Charcoal fires or open flame of any type will not be permitted on the docks or on the boats.
No person shall discharge sewage, effluent, oil, spirits, inflammable liquid or oily bilge's while in or approaching the dock slips.
No sign shall be permitted on boats other than name of the boat and registration decals and numbers required by governmental authorities with jurisdiction over boats.
There shall be no swimming or diving permitted from the boats, Boat Dock or finger piers.
Supplies, materials accessories, or debris shall not be stored on any portion of the Boat Dock or walkway.
Laundry shall not be hung on boats, docks or finger piers.
A boat’s engine(s) shall not be running before 7:00 AM or after 9:00 PM unless the boat is leaving or returning to the dock.
No repairs or alterations of boats, other than what is considered normal maintenance shall be permitted at The Strand.
No routine maintenance on vessels is permitted prior to 7:00 A.M. or after 9:00 P.M. during the week and not at all on weekends and holidays except for emergency repairs.
No kind of installation or alteration to the Boat Dock or to any finger piers shall be permitted without written approval of the Association.
Violation of rules and regulations, disorder, depredations, or indecorous conduct by a Dock Slip Assignee, or his crew or guests, that might injure a person or cause damage to property shall because for immediate removal of the boat in question.
In the event of a hurricane, tropical storm, or upon notice from the Association’s Board of Directors, dock slips at The Strand must be cleared of all vessels.
The Association shall have the right at its sole and absolute discretion, but not the obligation to tow unattended boats to another anchorage or boat yard at the Dock Slip Assignee's expense and sole risk.
No Dock Slip Assignee shall construct a boat lift in his or her assigned dock slip unless a written covenant has been executed by the Association and the Dock Slip Assignee in a form authorized by the Association.
In the event of an emergency during the Dock Slip Assignee’s absence, (i.e., breakdown of the bilge pump, leak, bad lines, etc.), the Association shall have the right, at its sole and absolute discretion, but not the obligation, to make necessary repairs at the Dock Slip at Assignee's expense and sole risk.
It shall be the responsibility of Dock Slip Assignees who are assigned the exclusive use of a dock slip to provide the Association with addresses and phone numbers where Dock Slip Assignees can be reached in case of emergencies.
Dock Slip Assignees shall be responsible for real estate taxes, personal property taxes, electricity, telephone, water. etc., if any, relating to their dock slip.
Dock Slip Assignees shall pay a proportionate share of all utilities used for the dock slips.
Houseboats shall not be permitted in any dock slips or at the Boat Dock at The Strand.
The Association shall have the right to inspect all boats in the dock slips to determine seaworthiness and adherence to fire and safety requirements of rules and government al authorities with jurisdiction over dock slips and vessels therein.
Noise shall be always kept to a minimum. Boat owners shall use discretion in operating engines, generators, radios and television sets, so as not to create a nuisance or disturbance.
No portable or permanent dry-docks, davits, in water boat lifts or similar devices will be permitted in dock slips at any time, except to the extent authorized by the Association pursuant to a written covenant between the Association and the Dock Slip Assignee in a form authorized by the Association.
Vessel size in the boat dock facility at The Strand shall be limited to the maximum size permitted by the local governing authority; such maximum size may differ from one dock slip to another.
The boat lift must be completely self-supporting, but if it adds structural integrity to the finger pier it may be placed against the finger pier, upon prior approval by the Association.
Each dock slip goes to the center between the finger piers. Therefore, no boat lift can infringe beyond the centerline of the area between the finger piers.
Each dock slip goes to the center between the finger piers. Therefore, no boat lift can infringe beyond the centerline of the area between the finger piers.
Pilings installed for boat lift supports shall be at a height of eighteen (18) inches above the decking on the Boat Dock.
Pilings installed as mooring pilings, bumper pilings and/or guide pilings shall be the height of the decking of the Boat Dock.
To the extent possible, Dock Slip Assignees should coordinate installation of pilings for boat lift supports such that joint pilings are used.
No pilings shall be installed outside the Boat Dock perimeter or outside the boundaries of the Submerged Land Lease area.
In the event any Dock Slip Assignee desires to install a boat lift or pilings that vary from the recommended guidelines as set forth in these Marina Rules and Regulations, such request shall be submitted by the Dock Slip Assignee in writing to the Board of Directors of the Association (or to such committee as may be established by the Association for this purpose).
Hours are DAWN to DUSK.
No animals other than dogs may be brought into the fenced area.
Dogs are permitted to be off leash while in the dog park if they can respond to audible controls, such as whistling.
Dogs over the age of 6 months must be spayed/neutered. (Alternatively, no females in season allowed.
Dogs must be leashed upon exiting the dog park.
Dog owners shall remain in the dog park and shall always maintain visual observation of their dog.
Dogs must be licensed and current on all vaccinations.
Dogs with known violent propensities or aggressive behavior are prohibited from using the dog park. Any dog showing signs of aggression while in the dog park shall be removed immediately by the dog owner.
Owners shall pick up their dog’s waste. Waste must be put in a tightly sealed plastic bag before being disposed of.
Owners are required to fill any holes created by the owner’s dog.
Owners are legally responsible for their dog (s) and injuries caused by them.
The canoe launch is restricted to human propelled watercraft.
Enter water at your own risk.
Know the water conditions and your paddling capabilities.
Minors under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian in paddle craft or in close proximity to paddle craft.
Wear Your Life Jacket; Carry Safety Gear.
State and Federal laws require operators of paddle craft to have:
o A Personal Flotation Device (USCG Approved Type III-V PFD) for each person aboard the vessel
( children under 13 years of age or in vessels under 26 feet must wear a USCG-approved PFD).
o An efficient sound-signaling device (an approved whistle will suffice)
o A white light source visible from 360 degrees if paddling in reduced visibility.
No Swimming.
Wear Proper Clothing and Footwear.
Plan Your Trip; Have a Checklist and a “Float Plan”.
Safety Rules & Recommendations Kayak/Canoe Launch Classes are available online and by other boating safety organizations.
Don’t litter. Be sure to take a bag to hold your trash for proper disposal when you leave the water.
Give other boaters or paddlers a wide berth.
Do not feed or approach alligators.
THERE ARE NO LIFEGUARDS OR SAFETY PERSONNEL AT THE POOL OR SPA AREA. All persons using the swimming pool or spa do so at their own risk.
The pool area will be open from DAWN to DUSK.
Bathing load for the swimming pool is 40 people. The spa is limited to 7 people.
Children under 12 years of age are not allowed to use the pool or the spa unless accompanied by an adult.
Children may utilize the pool and spa provided they either wear swim diapers or are toilet trained.
Diving shall not be permitted at any time.
All persons going to and from the pool area must wear footwear and cover-up clothing while in the walkways, lobby and in the elevator.
Bathing attire must comply with the applicable ordinance of Sarasota County, Florida.
Pool furniture may not be reserved.
Florida State Law requires that all persons’ shower before entering the pool or spa.
Persons with open sores of any kind are prohibited from entering the pool or spa.
All persons in beach attire using lounges and chairs must cover the lounge and/or chair with a towel before use.
No breakable glassware shall be allowed in the pool area. Only plastic food or beverage containers are allowed in the pool area.
Any cost incurred or expended by the Association because of broken glass in the pool area caused by any Owner, including their tenants and guests, will be charged to the Owner responsible for such damage.
No pets are allowed in the pool area.
Employees of Unit Owner(s) are not permitted to use the pool, with the exception of aids to the physically handicapped assisting their patients.
The use of radios, stereos, or portable TV sets is prohibited in the pool area unless their sound is transmitted only through headphones.
Because of limited space available, the pool area is reserved for the exclusive use of Unit Owner(s), Lessees, and registered guests and whoever is occupying the Unit.
Pool parties must be approved in advance and scheduled through the Association, with the Unit Owner or Lessee being responsible for a security deposit of $200.00, pre-party arrangements, and immediate post-party clean up. Approval of pool parties does not eliminate the right of other Owners to simultaneous use of the pool area.
The maximum amount of time permitted in the spa shall be fifteen (15) minutes.
Pregnant women, small children, people with health problems, people using alcohol, narcotics or drugs shall not be permitted in the spa at any time.
Ground level and shaded parking spaces are assigned and no Unit Owner shall park in any other Unit Owner's parking space without such Unit Owner's consent.
Unit Owner(s) shall be permitted to have no more motor vehicles (which also includes a Moped, Motorcycle, etc.) than the number equal to the number of parking spaces assigned to the Unit Owner located on the condominium property at any time and shall only be permitted to park in the Unit Owner’s designated parking space.
Unit Owner(s) may park mopeds, motorcycles, etc. in the Unit Owner(s) designated parking space only and in place of (not in addition to) the Unit Owner’s primary vehicle.
Guest parking spaces shall not be used by the Unit Owner at any time.
Except as set forth herein, only family-type non-commercial motor vehicles for passenger transportation, and the incidental movement of personal belongings and property, may be parked in a designated Unit parking spot or a guest parking area.
A “family-type non-commercial motor vehicle” shall be limited to those vehicles which are primarily used as passenger motor vehicles, and which have a body style consisting of two doors, four doors, hatchback or convertible, and shall also include station wagons, pick-up trucks used for personal transportation, minivans and vans equipped with windows all around the vehicle and passenger seats to accommodate not less than four (4) and not more than nine (9) people, and sport utility vehicles and motorcycles, scooters or mopeds.
All other motor vehicles, including but not limited to:
o Commercial Vehicles (any vehicle used in a trade or business and having advertising or promotional
information, symbols or materials affixed thereto)
o Trucks (any motor vehicle designed or used principally for the carriage of goods and including a
motor vehicle to which has been added a platform, a rack, or other equipment for the purpose of
carrying goods other than the personal effects of the passenger, and cargo vans)
o Boats
o Campers
o Recreational Vehicles (vehicles having either kitchen or bathroom facilities)
o Trailers
o Motor Homes
o Mobile Homes
o Loud Motorcycles
o Golf Carts
and any and all other vehicles other than the permitted vehicles described in the preceding paragraph, shall be strictly prohibited.
All vehicles must be licensed, registered and no inoperable or unsightly vehicles may be kept on condominium property.
The Developer is exempt from this provision in order to permit vehicles which are engaged in any activity relating to construction, maintenance or marketing of Units.
Notwithstanding the foregoing parking limitations, the following exceptions shall be made:
Service vehicles/commercial vehicles used by vendors of the Association or any Unit Owner may be permitted to be temporarily parked in the designated service parking area or on the street during the time they are actually servicing a Unit or condominium property, but in no event overnight.
The Board of Directors of the Association shall have the authority to prohibit any vehicle that would otherwise be permitted under this provision, if the Board determines, in the exercise of its business judgment, that the vehicle constitutes a safety hazard or is unsightly.
No repairs or maintenance of vehicles on the condominium property.
Any permitted motorized vehicle must comply with the Sarasota County sound ordinances, be licensed for street use and equipped with an appropriate noise muffling device so that the operation of the same does not create unreasonable annoyance or disturbance as determined by the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors is authorized to tow vehicles in accordance with Florida Statute Section 715.07.
Oil or fluid leaks onto a parking area are the responsibility of the Owner of the residence with which the offending vehicle is associated.
Any cost incurred or expended by the Association to repair damage resulting from oil or fluid leaks onto a parking area will be charged to the Owner of the residence associated with the vehicle responsible for such damage.
No motor vehicle, trailer, boat or any other property of any nature whatsoever that is described in this provision may be parked or stored on a lawn or unpaved area.
Designated guest parking spaces are limited to the use of guests of Owners and shall not be occupied by Owners’ vehicles.
Charging stations identified at various locations are provided as a valuable and convenient “EV-FRIENDLY” amenity for the exclusive use by owners and guests.
If you are not charging, don't block the charger.
Leave the charging station as you find it.
Access to the charger is first come, first served.
If you need to leave, post your name and contact number on your car.
Move your car after charging is complete.
A natural gas fire pit is available for your enjoyment and enhancement for outdoor gatherings.
The fire pit area will be open from Dawn to 10:00 pm.
Maximum seating capacity of _12_ should be observed.
Always read and follow the fire pit operational instructions.
Understand how to properly use the fire pit.
Keep at least three feet away from open flames.
Children are not allowed near the fire pit unless supervised by adults (greater than 18 years of age) at all times.
Don't throw any foreign objects into the fire pit. Do not cook or prepare food items in the fire pit.
The fire pit shall only be used for its intended purpose.
Playing on or around the fire pit is not allowed at any time. This includes sitting, lying or walking on the surrounding fire pit ledge.